The Power of a Haircut

Micah recently acquired a new do. We are all a little amazed by the way it transformed him from Sweet Cherub to 100% Little Boy.

These "before" pictures were taken on St. Patty's Day, which Micah celebrated by wearing his kilt.

A few days later, he not only looks like 100% little boy. He's also acting like it. I was practicing the piano the other morning, when Micah walked in the studio looking like this:

After seeing the state of his face, I thought I needed to investigate the state of my house, especially since he's discovered the joys of crayoning the floors, cabinets and doors. This is what I found:

Thank the Lord for scotch guard, washable markers, Dreft stain remover, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and the wisdom to know that new furniture is a long time coming. And thank the Lord for precious, little red-headed boys.