Ten Quick Reasons to Download Ten Tools for Inner Healing

It's been a while! For the past three months, I've been on a much-needed hiatus. I plan to share a little about what God has been doing in my life in upcoming posts. During my rest, I wrote an e-book entitled Ten Tools for Inner Healing: A Learner's Guide to Wholeness. The book covers some of the life-changing lessons I've learned over the past couple of years. I'm excited to announce that I've made it available to you for FREE!

About the Book

The book begins with a synopsis of my testimony and an explanation of how "healing prayer" was a major catalyst in my physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. From there, I share some things I've learned about inner healing and wholeness as I've applied them to my daily walk with God and in ministry to others.

Below, I've included TEN reasons I think you should sign up to my email list and download your FREE copy of my book!


1. It's absolutely free! What do you have to lose?

2. When you sign up to download the book, you'll have premium access to my latest news, updates, releases, and resources as they become available. I look forward to blessing my readers with goodies and good information in the future, and I promise to never spam you or send an overwhelming number of updates. You'll usually hear from me only once or twice per month.

3. The tools, when understood and used appropriately, will lead you into greater intimacy with Jesus Christ. I've seen this to be true not only in my own life but in the lives of others. And you'll find that as you grow in relationship with God, you will grow in healthy relationship with others.

4. No pressure! The book isn't a "Ten Step" program you have to follow perfectly to get a desired result. Rather, it's a collection of tried and true tools that help you along your journey with Jesus, however you choose to use them.

5. It's short! This little book is less than 7,000 words. Even slow readers--like me--can finish in less than an hour.

6. The tools are versatile! You don't have to use the tools as I use them in order to benefit from them. You can apply them in ways that work for YOU.

7. If you've ever had questions about the different ways God speaks to us as believers, I've included a special section just for you! You may discover that God has been speaking to you and you didn't even know it.

8. Healing awaits! These tools are keys to major breakthrough. Through them, God has brought me physical healing from an incurable disease, emotional healing to traumas such as betrayal and sexual abuse, and spiritual healing from self-condemnation and dead religion. The tools also help me walk through the hard knocks of life with peace. Things that once caused me lots of fear and anxiety now only send me deeper into relationship with God. While I don't know everything God will do when you use the tools, I do know that things will happen. THINGS HAPPEN when we encounter God! And that's what the tools help you to do--encounter God.

9. No shame. No impossible standards. I don't write this guide as an expert who has achieved everything God offers to his children. I write it as a fellow learner. We're on this journey together. I may be a few steps ahead of you at the moment, and then again, I may not. Regardless, my goal is to offer you either a hand up with information I wish I had known 20 years ago or a reassuring pat on the back as you press onward to what lies ahead.

10. Jesus is worth it, and so are you. Jesus is worth every investment we make in our relationship with him. You are too. Jesus declared it loud and clear on the cross. You're worth everything to him! I encourage you to invest in your own wholeness, which really comes down to your relationship with God. It's bought and paid for. God wants to be known. What are you waiting for?

Sign up with your email address, and download Ten Tools for Inner Healing today. if you want to know more about how to walk with god in greater intimacy, join my Facebook group, Following the Thread!

Click on the image above to sign up to my email list and get your FREE copy of the guide!

Click on the image above to sign up to my email list and get your FREE copy of the guide!